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Prototype Horror - Production - Progress 3

'Pripyat Horror' is a first-person Horror Survival game prototype set in Pripyat School No.1 - The first school to be built in Pripyat - in its abandoned state years after the disaster.

In this series of blogs, I aim to document progress made during the production - implementation stage of this project, for future reference.

Implementation Progress


This month I made considerable improvement across the title, working on the enemy AI, the player mechanics, the menus, the save/load functionality and the general feel/theme of the title.

Enemy AI Improvements

The AI vision was adjusted to change based on two components - the player's flashlight and the player's standing/crouching position. If the player crouches and turns off their flashlight, the player will be less visible to the enemy.

A second sense was also added to the enemy - hearing. If the enemy hears a door open within a 1000 unit radius, it will go to investigate. If a player approaches the enemy from behind without crouching, the enemy will hear this and chase the player.

I also added the more complex AI behaviours I talked about previously, such as making sure the enemy is never roaming more than 2000 units away from the player, to add to tension.

Subtitles were also added for when the enemy is to speak.


Here's a video demonstrating the current flow and mechanics of the title:

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